Mobile Screenshot


Select perfect frame swiping frames back and forth. Chek and share wherever you want


Select perfect frame swiping frames back and forth. Chek and download it to your gallery


If you want to customize your banner your banner then sinply tap on edit and edit all your fields like name, mobile even you can change font color size and background color of selected field..

Change Profile

You can select one of your created profile from tapping on the your profile picture from top right corner.

More Customization

You can delete change your profile pic aur logo on the frame. You can also change background image of the banner.

Customize Notification

You can select what kind of notification you want like good morning, good night or fastival only or all.

Personalized Banner

You can write your own code by selecting your blank menu from menu bar.

Premium Benefits

All the customization comes under primium subscription.